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This coffee comes to us from the pioneer of coffee cultivation in Ecuador, Juan Peña. His 35,000 tree operation, Hacienda la Papaya, is more than a farm; Peña treats his production like a research center; studying to improve irrigation systems, develop fertilization practices, and other quality-based projects. Everything learned in his research is shared with his community, and neighboring farms to help provide them with growth opportunities. His incredible commitment to the betterment of his own craft and to uplift his community resonates with us in a major way, and we’re excited to share the results of his hard work! 

This lot of natural processed Typica is a shining example of how clean and vibrant a natural processed coffee can be. Ripe and juicy strawberry hits you upfront and rolls into the sparkling sweetness of kiwi. This coffee has a heavy body and finish that is reminiscent of fruit-flavored taffy. The Juan Peña is an adventurous single origin perfect for anyone who loves experiential coffees. 


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Cat Facts

Regular price $ 34.75 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 34.75 USD
Sale All gone

Origin Info

Origin // Ecuador    

Region // Saraguro/Loja

Producer // Juan Peña

Variety // Typica    

Elevation // 1,900 - 2,100 m.a.s.l.

Process // Natural

Brew Recipe

To get the best out of this coffee we always recommend this recipe as a stating point

  • Brew with a 1:16 ratio (one gram of coffee to every 16 grams of water).
  • Get your Water as HOT as you can.
  • Adjust your grind for a 3-4 minute brew time. (The finer the grind, the longer it will take to brew)


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