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The Rio Blanco is a stunning example of washed coffee; crisp and juicy fruits, meet cooked syrupy sugars, creating an absolutely mouth-watering cup. Perfectly ripe peach bursts into the first sip, before settling into the tart subtle sweetness of Green Apple. These flavors work together to wake the palate before settling into the rich, caramelized finish of Maple Syrup. A warm, vibrant coffee to start your day.

This coffee comes to us from a unique area of Northern Peru, landing in the buffer zone surrounding the Tabaconas Namballe National Sanctuary. Coffee production in this area coexists in total balance with the preservation of the ecosystem; the producers of the area credit its wealth of rare flora, and fauna for their excellent quality of coffee. Producers around the Sanctuary have taken on the responsibility of protecting this rare ecosystem, going so far as to completely ban hunting in the area, an activity that had been performed on a large scale in previous years.


Want to learn even more? Check out our detailed write-up!

Cat Facts

Regular price $ 18.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 18.50 USD
Sale Sold out

Origin Info

Origin // Peru

Region // Cajamarca

Producer // Various Smallholding Producers

Variety //  Caturra, Mundo Novo, Pache, Catuai, Pache, Costa Rica, Typica, Catimor

Elevation // 1800 M.A.S.L

Process // Washed

Brew Recipe

To get the best out of this coffee we always recommend this recipe as a stating point

  • Brew with a 1:16 ratio (one gram of coffee to every 16 grams of water).
  • Get your Water as HOT as you can.
  • Adjust your grind for a 3-4 minute brew time. (The finer the grind, the longer it will take to brew)



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